Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

The killing keeps on going on
How long will this war carry on?
death went on and on..

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008

Who am i?

a lot of things left silent..
wonder why this always happens
i may be whiny, i may be childish,
maybe immature, maybe insane..

conquer the world every move endured..

Run wild through the fucking streets..
And I can't cry another tear..

Am I a little fucker?

a dumb ass?
an anonymous girl?
the beast hidden in shadows?
a field of black lilies and sorrow?

I'm nobody..

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008


I am blind in one eye I can`t see out of the other
I ain't talkin about the guys either.
I want to hear pitter patter.
But it's the simple things in life that matter,
Juz wana be ur little sister

I cry myself to sleep every night
I cut myself to bleed every fight

I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.

For when I come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember I fought and I bled,
Is payment enough, and with that I'll trust,
That I matter to you as you matter to me.'


i cut myself,
in fear of bleeding
the smell of a malicious grin of a walking devil
Fear of beasts
is what makes me a prey
Won't let me play what a child would play

heard him laugh at me
I closed my eyes and imagined I was nowhere
Melted and escaped from those frigid eyes..
What's really inside
Why I try to hide
I thought that I was healing
But again this heart is bleeding

I creep though shadows
I creep up in the shed
I creep and keep on seeing this face,
Creep in slowly
Lest no one sees

I was ask, scream and yell
I spend hours forcing my mind
as my life rolls like an empty bottle of water following the wind..
I guess all I can do is fight for a better day..
But time..
fades the Dreams not the nightmare..

Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

PestA deMokRasi

Meringkuk tajam
Di bui katedral
Lapar dan sengau
Bersandar galau

Untukmu aku berderet manja di atas bak sampah
Mengelu-elukan lambang yang pura pura bicara
Di dalam truk truk penuntun maut
Berkampanye ria
Berdangdut dengan binaraga
Mencuci otak si binaria
Biduan rupawan bermulut ganda

Negaraku berparade
Janji menyumpal kepicikan terjungkal
Seruan bising otakku miring
Hanya aku yang terlalu sinting
Sedikit berpikir banyak menuding



Wakilku berbaring ragu
Menjual uang berbedak terigu
Tapi sepertinya itu terlalu janggal
Menelusur hati yang terjegal


Pesta demokrasi sebentar lagi

Menanti negeri kembali bernyanyi
Bernyanyi lagi
Bernyawa lagi


Sleep, sleep,
for ever deep
Not to keep the life very tight!
I'll sleep without light
Peacefully breathing,

Rainbow serenity
Thankful replenity

An eternal sleep of which I will not wake
waiting for you to awaken me from this sleep..


I'm sick,
of being depressed
hidding secret inside me
acting stupid sometimes

Tired of the tears I cry
thoughts about giving up
being unable to learn
seeing the blood that i own

this lonesliness
and selfeshness

Sick of nightmares,
Shattered on the floor.
a silouhette in the air

I’m always asking why,
I’m blamed for the mistakes I’ve made and it is such a shame
Makes mee want to say how sorry I am,

wishing I could stop crying
I feel like shit,
Trying to make something good
But I just think it’s a little fucked up
That whenever I try, it always ends up bad

Friends say I’m a fool…..,

And I know it too….,


Say you care

Not once have you been there,

I have no memory of u..


the demon that drove the beating hand..
were defying that sad land..
forgot how the end..
Can you hear i was scream loudly?
"Hug me!! for I
can no longer

Where were you when I fell?
you were too far off to see..
what was then, i see so dark
You.. figured I dropp by with a little rhyme

Have the love for a dad, found it in others that is sad

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